I Am Jack's Broken Heart ©
Summit Info & Echelon Photos

A big thanks to everyone who came out to the German Summit. You guys made it a huge success. We will have photos from this event and the other Summit events on the website very soon.

The remaining Global Summit’s are getting underway this weekend and we wanted to take a moment to reiterate the details for each event. This information can be found on your country’s Summit webpage as well.
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Also, as a note to the Echelon ladies, feel free to bring your male friends, brothers, fathers, boyfriends to the event whether they have RSVP'd or not. We are in need of additional male voices for the recordings.

Provehito In Altum


@темы: Provehito in Altum, Внимание Эшелон

Империя Зла™
30STM in 'Revolver' magazine

@темы: Журналы, Статьи, Интервью

Don't waste your time or time will waste you ©
Статья из итальянского Rock Sound

Italian article says that the third album could be a double CD with a DVD & the album could be released for autumn..

Перевод статьи на английском

Огромное спасибо  Kimi Bananas! :buddy:

UPD: перевод статьи на русский.
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за перевод спасибо Armitage!:buddy:

@темы: Magazines, Новости, Интервью


Bravo №24

When u comin’ home?

плакат с этой фоты

@темы: Журналы

I Am Jack's Broken Heart ©
Detail Update - The Global Summit
As you may have noticed, a handful of the territory-specific information web pages for The Global Summit have been updated this week with additional details. We will continue to service each country’s Summit page with the most recent information, in addition to the message board and website, but your country’s Summit page is the best place to receive the most up-to-date information.

Below are all the confirmed details we have to date.
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отчет о Саммите в Кельне 14.06.09

еще про Кельн

@темы: Голосования, Provehito in Altum, Внимание Эшелон, События

BAKAralgin desu >;]
Кто заказывал Yearbook, вам следует проверить есть ли ваша фотография в нем, если вы конечно ее отсылали, а если нет, то стоит спросить у тех, кто их уже получил. Это можно сделать ЗДЕСЬ.

Имейте ввиду, что в основном нет страниц с именами на буквы В и С. Но это только в основном. Если уж так оказалось, что вашей фотографии нет, и вы хотите, чтоб она там была, вам нужно написать сообщение этому человеку Dai и оставивь свои данные: номер заказа и свою имя, которые вы вписали для YB.

МТ обещали все исправить. Предположительно, будут высланы всем недостающие страницы.

YB придут в Россию ориентировачно 13-29 июня, это если средняя доставка. Спасибо Noele313

@темы: Yearbook

I Am Jack's Broken Heart ©
Attention all Girl, Boy, Rock, Pop, Metal, Rave, Reggie, Soul, Wrist (OK maybe not Wrist) Country, Rap, and HIP-HOP Bands - Who is the 'BEST TWITTERING BAND' ?

голосуем ЗДЕСЬ

@темы: Голосования

Here we are searching for a sign
10-ое июня ДЕНЬ ЭШЕЛОНА

!!! У НАС УЖЕ 1130 ПЧ !!!

Участники сообщества:
Всего: 31

На данный момент нам остаётся лишь ждать. Надеяться и ждать, что в скором будущем выйдет-таки альбом, который будет поистинне генеальным, после столь продолжительной выдержки)) Остаётся надеяться, ждать и верить, частично подглядывая за процессом, благодаря таким ресурсам, как twitter и kyte, где теперь зачастую 30STM в открытую могут пообщаться со своим Эшелоном.

Ждём ваших фото с различных встреч ЭШЕЛОНА в комментарии.

The International Echelon Day

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Official Echelon Worldwide

@темы: Поздравления, The Russan Echelon FOTO


I Am Jack's Broken Heart ©

Eщё оно голосование Кerrang Awards 2009!
Vote 30STM for Best Live Band & Best International Band

@темы: Голосования, Внимание Эшелон

When u comin’ home?
Pictures of You

We have been tirelessly working on the recording project, and we would like to include images of you, our faithful Echelon family, within the album layout.

Please submit photos of yourself and your friends here via your Flickr account. All photo submissions need to be uploaded by Sunday June 14th at 5:00pm PST.

We look forward to seeing all your contributions.


поверхностный перевод
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@темы: Provehito in Altum, Обращение 30STM к Echelon, Внимание Эшелон, Новости

I Am Jack's Broken Heart ©
Before 30 Seconds to Mars settled their lawsuit with label EMI, frontman Jared Leto was very interested in Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails' pay-what-you-want method of internet release. Most of his admiration went to NIN frontman Trent Reznor. "I'd be curious to see more examples because didn't Radiohead eventually put their record out?" Leto says. "Trent seems to be the only guy that's stuck to his guns and stayed tried and true. He's a god among men."
Leto has one thing in common with Reznor: 30 Seconds to Mars are recording their new album, due this fall, with longtime NIN associate Flood. But if Reznor is available, Leto would love to book some time. "It's really interesting to see such a creative person express himself in business terms, to see how would he do things," he says. "I don't pretend to know what's going on in his camp -- what he's doing or who's involved -- but from what I know as a fan, I'm sure he's very involved in everything. I'd love to talk to him about what he's learned."
Still, despite his respect and interest in the pay-what-you-want model, Leto is sticking with the industry for now. "I'm not so sure I've seen someone do it better than a record company to tell you the truth," he says. "I've seen someone do it differently, not better. I've gotta give credit where credit is due."

By Steve Baltin on Jun 7th 2009 10:00AM


@темы: Джаред Лето, Новости


One year.

Here we are searching for a sign
Ровно год назад 30 Seconds To Mars приехали в Москву и выступили на премии Муз-ТВ.
Давайте вспомним, как это было. :) Фотографии и видео скажут все лучше любых слов.

:right: 04/06/08. Пресс-конференция (СК "Олимпийский").

Фото-отчет полностью 1 | 2


:right: 05/06/08. Прогулки по Москве.

:right: 06/06/08. Премия Муз-ТВ (СК "Олимпийский").

Фото-отчет полностью 1 | 2


:right: 07/06/08. Старый Арбат.


:right: 08/06/08. И снова встречи с Эшелоном.

Это было, и было здорово, правда же? :heart:


@темы: Концерты, Видео, The Russan Echelon FOTO, События, Фото

Here we are searching for a sign

Подписывайтесь на данные посты и следите за обновлениями в комментариях!

- 30STM - Online Studio Webcam or MarsTV again
- Twitter 30STM - (№2)
- Twitter 30STM - (старый пост)
- Twitter of Jared Leto
- Twitter of Shannon Leto

@темы: Kyte, Джаред Лето, Twitter, Шеннон Лето, Марсиане-просветители, Обращение 30STM к Echelon


The Summit

I Am Jack's Broken Heart ©

Thirty Seconds to Mars is excited to announce that we will be taking
The Summit worldwide. After numerous requests around the world from
people who couldn't make it to Los Angeles for The Summit due to their
schedules, financial constraints, and/or physical limitations, we have
decided we will be extending the audio experiment to locations in
Australia, Italy, Germany, France, Japan, Mexico, United Kingdom,
Canada and possibly more for an abbreviated version of the Los Angeles event.
Additionally, we will be holding an online version of The Summit if
you still can't make it. So you can be at home alone or gather with friends
and be a part of it all.

Although these 'mini' Summits won't be as involved and in depth as the
original Summit, nor will the band be attending, it will still be a
chance to share this very special experience with those of you who
couldn't make it to Los Angeles.

The Global Summit event will be held on the following dates and you
are invited to attend and participate in the making of our new album.
We will be releasing further information on the locations in the
coming days.

June 13th Cologne, Germany

June 16th Toronto, Canada

June 19th Sydney, Australia

June 20th Mexico City, Mexico

June 20th London, UK

June 20th Tokyo, Japan

Wknd of June 20/21 Paris, France

June 22nd Milan, Italy

Although we cannot attend any of the Global Summit events in
person (because we’ll be in the lab putting the final touches on the
new album), we do have a lot planned to ensure that each event is
special, unique and full of surprises.

Keep your eyes peeled as we will forward more information about the
events, in addition to an RSVP list, in the near future.

Provehito In Altum


@темы: Обращение 30STM к Echelon


When u comin’ home?
Save me Barry!
As musical journeys go, the one taken by 30 Seconds to Mars has been one long, strange trip. Since breaking through to new heights with the rock hit "The Kill," and then making history by shooting a music video in China, the band has been comparatively quiet for the past year, in part because it was tied up in business disputes with its record label. But despite the drama, 30STM singer and co-founder Jared Leto tells Buzznet that the band is ready to blast off once again.
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Listen to Part 1 of the interview, in which Leto discussed the recording process, working with famed producer Flood, and last week's fan summit, right here:

And he'll tell you his idea of the ultimate slow-dance song in Part 2 of our interview. We'll be waiting...


@темы: Джаред Лето, Аудио, Интервью



When u comin’ home?

Голосуем за кавер Stronger


@темы: Голосования

I Am Jack's Broken Heart ©
30stm in the News
News of The Summit, EMI, and the new record below. Check it out!

04/29/09 – MTV Exclusive: 30 Seconds to Mars Talk Settlement with EMI

04/29/09 - MTV : 30 Seconds To Mars Try Hard So You Don't Have To

04/28/09 - Los Angeles Times: 30 Seconds to Mars and EMI make nice, new album due this fall

04/28/09 - MTV: 30 Seconds To Mars Talk Fan Summit

04/20/09 - Rolling Stone: 30STM's Jared Leto on Working With Kanye West: "It's Slightly More than Unexpected"

@темы: Новости, Статьи



Save me Barry!
So here we are, after almost a year at war, and the time has come. The time to make peace, to move ahead, and to begin again. We are finally and thankfully at a place where we are excited and relieved to put behind us one of the most challenging battles of our entire careers.

For almost a year now we have been in Los Angeles, California, putting our hearts, hopes, and dreams into making a record that means absolutely everything to us. In addition to this incredible and creative adventure, we have had the added challenge of carrying the rather heavy burden of a 30 million dollar lawsuit filed against us by EMI records. Not the most ideal of conditions to make a record under but an integral part of our story nonetheless.

We are now nearly finished with our new record and have found ourselves in a place ready to accept an end to the arduous conflict with our former label. There are many reasons that have contributed to this decision but overall the willingness and enthusiasm by EMI to address our major concerns and issues, the opportunity to return to work with a team so committed and passionate about Thirty Seconds to Mars, and the company's dedication to changing the status quo of the business of recorded music made this choice possible. We have decided it best for the music, for the fans, and for Thirty Seconds to Mars to accept a resolution with EMI.

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@темы: Новости