человек и ОМГ (ц)
Так сказать, очередной подарочек :)

Рецензия на шоу в Авалоне. )))

За качество не ругайтесь, переводила в полупьяном состоянии (вон Джордан свидетель :-D)

30 Seconds To Mars взорвали голливудский Avalon Theater, подпитывая неистовство фанов в зале при помощи своего уникального рок-брэнда. Джаред, Томо, Мэтт и Шэннон играли перед плененной публикой, шоу стало аншлагом, а толпа из людей всех возрастов побывала на лучшем в их жизни концерте... и это не враки!

30 Seconds To Mars

Статья и фотографии Janice French

Перевод МОЙ :gigi:

читать дальше

04.01.2006 в 01:19

Каждый человек может вполне быть самим собою только пока он одинок
Клер Кипли Спасибо за перевод и инфу огромное!!!!!! :heart: :squeeze: :bigkiss:

Рецензия - просто бальзам на мою марсианскую душу!

Как же я хочу на их концерт!!!!!!!

Он хватал людей за руки, проходя мимо барьера, а потом сбросился во взволновавшееся море людей под ним, и на руках фанов вернулся обратно на сцену и без запинки продолжил петь.

Он опять делал это! :nini: Джаред просто неисправим! Наверно,в прошлый раз ушибся он всё-таки мало ...

когда Лето взял гитару и завел песню о человеке, отказывающемся от другой женщины ради своей единственной.

Как интересно стихи истолкованы...

Многие станции не крутят Марсиан не из-за их музыки, а из-за предубеждения по отношению к нему. Джаред Лето ведь ещё и актер.

Странно как... Если деиствительно ,это одна из причин, обидно в двойне!

Характерным движением Томо пересек сцену, подпрыгнул в воздухе и резко дернул струны. В какой-то момент толпа, поощренная Джаредом, и, естественно, знающая слова, громко их пела. И тогда голос Джареда свирепствовал, ревя угрозу в «Battle Of One», а в это время Томо просто выколачивал свою гитару и издавал неистовое металлическое крещендо, а в центре зала люди просто колбасились.

:super: :bravo: :hlop:

Когда группа вновь присоединилась к нему, музыка достигла крещендо, когда длинные руки Мэтта заработали на бас-гитаре со страстью и мастерством.

О, Мэтти!!! :buh:

Я заметила большую одинокую красную розу в центре сцены, когда Джаред заговорил. Он сказал, что сейчас здесь, в Лос-Анджелесе, пойдет снег. Публика задрала головы, и с потолка посыпался холодный снег.

Какая красота!!!


красную розу из рук Джея Лето, хотя бы одну барабанную палочку Шенна, хочу, петь, орать и прыгать вместе с вами всеми на бесподобном концерте неповторимых марсиан в России! :alles:

Правда, я совсем не многого хочу? :shy:

04.01.2006 в 02:31

joann Правда, я совсем не многого хочу? ага, совсем чуть-чуть))) *я тоже хочу!!!!*

Клер Кипли спасибо огромное за инфу!!! :squeeze:
04.01.2006 в 02:47

низвержение в пропасть на каком-то этапе похоже на полет
Люди начали занимать очередь в 11 утра, чтобы попасть на концерт в 7 вечера, все билеты на который были распроданы.

Народ, пошли забивать места у Олимпийского. :-D





Когда группа вновь присоединилась к нему, музыка достигла крещендо, когда длинные руки Мэтта заработали на бас-гитаре со страстью и мастерством.

*утекла под стол, слабо хрипя что-то о "садистах" и "Штатах"* :buh: :chups:

мощная музыка 30STM забирает с собой мечтателей в человеческий опыт жизни, ревя, словно двигатели ракеты; они на пути к вершине.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Клер, ОГРОМНОЕ спасибо за этот сгусток тепла в окружающем морозе :squeeze: :squeeze: :squeeze:

Безумно красивая рецензия) _хоть и пафосно_ :-D

*Ну пуститееееееееее... меняяяяяяя... тудааааааааа*

04.01.2006 в 10:18

человек и ОМГ (ц)

Не за что ))) Рецензия волшебная.

Правда, я совсем не многого хочу?

Хы, неа ;)


Всегда пожалуйста )))


*утекла под стол, слабо хрипя что-то о "садистах" и "Штатах

:buddy: Крепись, товарищ!

Всегда рада доставить вам удовольствие ))))))
04.01.2006 в 15:43

not a distraction, but pain in the ass
нашла ,как мне кажется,интересное интервью.но довольно длнное и августовское.попрую выложить здесь .или лучше прилать кому нибудь для перевода?интервью c http://www.musicinfusion.com .

Jared Leto (vocals, guitar)

Tomo Milicevic (guitar)

Matt Wachter (bass)


The Roxy - Boston, MA

Interviewed by: Eric & Erin

Erin: Ok, we gotta ask the name question. Where did you come up with 30 Seconds to Mars?

Matt: Our imaginations.

Tomo: Yeah, it has nothing to do with space or time travel at all.

Matt: It's not meant to be taken literally. It's just what we feel best describes…

Tomo: We should actually move somewhere else because it's going to get super loud.

Matt: Yeah.

(We move downstairs to a much more quiet area because another band is doing soundcheck upstairs where we were originally)

Eric: Alright.

Tomo: So, anyway.

Matt: So yeah. We kind of get pigeonholed into that whole "oh you guys are all about outer space and time travel." Those are all metaphors. They are all to describe our music and what we call the human condition. We all go through the same trials and tribulations, ups and downs, and good things and bad things. It's something people can relate to.

Eric: Cool. I understand that the writing and recording process took almost 2 years for your new album, A Beautiful Lie, and that you guys traveled to 4 different continents.

Matt: You did your homework. (smiles) Good job. (laughs all around)

Tomo: Yes. All over the place. It was actually closer to 3 years to be honest.

Matt: Yeah I would say from start to finish.

Eric: What was that whole process like?

Matt: A rollercoaster. (laughs)

Tomo: A rollercoaster. That's perfect. It's very difficult, you know? We're control freaks.

Matt: I'm sorry. (answers cell phone)

Tomo: We are very, very, very anal about what we do. We take it very seriously. Hold on. (looks at Matt)

Matt: (on the phone) We're down the stairs. Yeah, down the front stairs where the entrance is. Yeah. Ok. Bye. (hangs up)

Tomo: We take everything very seriously. Our quality control standards are probably higher than any band out there. I don't think anyone is going to redo and shuffle through things as many times as we did.

Matt: It's not necessarily a formula. We don't intentionally set out to do that.

Tomo: No, no. We just set out to make sure it's the best it can possibly be.

Matt: Oh yeah. Every avenue is explored.

Tomo: Yeah. We don't let any idea go unexplored. We set everything through to fruition.

Matt: Nicely said.

Tomo: Thank you.

Eric: So how do you feel it compares to your first release?

Matt: It's totally different. It doesn't compare.

Tomo: Yeah.

Matt: (shouting) Over here!

Voice somewhere nearby: Where are you?

Matt: Over here. Follow my voice. Come, come, come.

(the voice turns out to be Jared)

Jared: What are you guys doing?

Matt: We are having a little powwow.

Jared: Is there anything I can add to the mix for a bit?

Matt: Of course there is.

Tomo: I'm sure there is.

Eric: Hey, my name's Eric. (shaking hand)

Jared: Ok, hey. Jared.

Erin: I'm Erin. (shaking hand)

Jared: Ok. 2 Ѕ questions you can ask me. Go! (loud laughing)

Erin: Umm…

Jared: (more laughing) (claps hands and points to Eric)

Matt: (laughing hysterically) Tom Cruise!

Jared: (To Matt) He didn't get it. (To Erin) Go!

Erin: Umm… (laughing)

Jared: (To Eric) Go!

Eric: Where do babies come from?

Jared: That I still haven't figured out yet. Thank god! (laughs all around) Go! (more laughs all around)

Eric: Ok, let's go on to the next one. What would say is the main message you guys were trying to convey with A Beautiful Lie?

Jared: I actually try not to convey anything. I think it's a bonus if people get a message or a cohesive thought from it. That's fantastic. Certainly you have goals when working on a group of songs, a record of information that hopefully shares some common ground. Each individual song is like a chapter in a book. We talked about that a little bit. I remember when it was in the very beginning and I had notes written down talking about grand ideas and themes. Wanting to use certain metaphors to describe certain things… ideas like violence. External violence to represent an internal battle and you find that a lot. Song titles like "Battle of One" to "Attack" to "The Kill"… umm…

Matt: Something wrong?

Jared: (smiling) I've got to say so much of the work is done without being self conscious. Hopefully there is a lot of common ground that is shared from song to song. There is certainly themes that are present, but if someone gets the message… you can't worry about the consumer.

(Matt's cell phone goes off again)

Eric: Now you've played a lot of shows over the years. Anytime there is a band that has an actor in it, there is a lot of skepticism. I think you have proved yourself with all of the live shows and…

Matt: Thank you.

Eric: Do you think you've gotten past the skepticism?

Jared: Not many people saw WKRP in Cincinnati: The New Years and Matt was not only terrific on the show…

Matt: Thank you.

Jared: But his consistency as an actor has really helped us as a band. His work as a dramatist has only made us stronger. I mean when he played Lenny the 47-year old transvestite in the off-Broadway "Piggy Wiggy on my Diggy Shniggy Piggy (laughs all around)… I got no Piggy… (laughs all around)

Matt: People ask me a lot about that one.

Jared: The fact that he could grow a goatee…

(Matt's cell phone goes off again)

Tomo: OH MY GOD!

Jared: The fact that he could grow a goatee and breasts, I thought he deserved a Tony.

Matt: (smiling) I thought I deserved an Academy Award.

Jared: But instead he got some guy named Fred in a bar on 32nd street. (In a gay voice) He'll do just fine. (back to normal) Oh god I shouldn't drink caffeine before interviews.

Matt: (laughing) I love you like this! I gotta say.

Jared: And all I had was that little bit (points to his Starbucks cup that only ј of it has been drunk)

Eric: Hey it's cool.

Matt: Wait, what was the question?

Tomo: The question was skepticism. No. We don't even listen to that.

Jared: Every band's got challenges, every band. From the lead singer being a dope fiend to gaining 45 pounds to being a loser to not making a second good record to being too ugly to being to pretty to being too big of a rock star to being too boring, you know? Everyone's got a fucking problem. I'll take my problems over theirs any day. We've had a lot of success and we are very grateful for it. We have the best fans in the world.

Tomo: Yup. (Matt nodding in agreement)

Jared: We have toured with some of our favorite bands. We've just made a record we're really proud of. You can't make everybody happy.

Tomo: You can't let it bother you. It's not really that important.

Matt: You would go crazy if you tried to make everyone happy.

Erin: So right now you are on tour with Chevelle and Taproot. How's the tour been going?

Matt: Great. We toured with Chevelle in…

Tomo: 2003.

Matt: 2003. It was a few years ago.

Jared: It's borderline slightly too heavy musically for us. But there is something about Chevelle that they always lean towards a melody. We are very theatrical and are huge in thinking of the presentation of a live show. So, it's not the perfect experience musically, but the biggest part is that it works. We really like the guys in Chevelle. They are friends of ours and they have been very kind to us.

Tomo: They definitely go out of their way to make us have a better show every night… which they don't have to do.

Jared: Yeah. We're a little more on the softer, more melodic side and they're a little bit heavier. If our heaviest and more intense songs versus their more melodic seem to kind of have a nice collision there.

Tomo: Yup. I agree.

Matt: It's a happy collision.

Jared: If they played a couple songs on the flute we might be…

Matt: A little Jethro Tull action?

Jared: I did try to use a flute by the way on this album.

Matt: I do remember that.

Jared: We kind of did end up using a flute sound on "The Fantasy." It would have been nice to use a gospel choir too.

(a security guard steps in)

04.01.2006 в 15:46

not a distraction, but pain in the ass

Security: Are you guys waiting for somebody?

Matt: Nope. We're just doing an interview.

Security: Sorry.

Matt: It's ok.

Jared: See how much respect we get! You see that?

Erin: I know that after this tour you are heading out with The Used. Any plans after that?

Jared: Who said that? The Used? Who are they?

Erin: The Used.

Jared: No! U2! (a look of confusion on Erin's face) Yeah!

Erin: Oh…

Jared: No! I'm just kidding. (big laughs all around)

Erin: (laughing) Oh, I was gonna say, did the website lie?

Tomo: I wish.

Jared: Oh my god yeah. But the funny thing is is that I've heard that U2 is a crushing tour to get because everyone just goes to see U2.

Matt: It's so huge.

Jared: So you'd be there and a lot of the crowd is probably older. But yeah, we're going out with The Used, which is great because Bert (vocalist for The Used) is a madman. We're friends with them as well. That's going to be a very synergistic tour.

Tomo: Plus the Street Drum Corps are gonna be on it as well. So, it's gonna be fun.

Matt: On the whole tour?

Tomo: Yeah, the whole thing.

Matt: Oh, that's cool.

Jared: It'll be a fun little package!

Tomo: After that we're doing some radio shows and off dates in between that through September. I don't really know which ones, but we'll be busy through September for sure. That's what we have right now.

Eric: Then maybe a headline tour?

Jared: Yeah, I'd like to do that after. We're still waiting to see what happens with other tours out there but that will be the next thing once we get some other issues out of the way. We're gonna have to decide what we're gonna do.

Tomo: Yup.

Eric: We have a couple traditional questions we always ask. What's your favorite food, favorite movie, and favorite 80s song?

(A doorman comes over)

Doorman: You guys all set over there?

Tomo: Yeah. We're doing an interview. Thank you.

Jared: Favorite food I think would have to be… a warm goat cheese…

Matt: Mmmm yes! With Melba Toast!

Jared: Cranberry Toast, Spinach Salad. Followed by…

Matt: Chutney!

Jared: Tomato bisque sitting on a…

Matt: Chutney!

Jared: Thinly sliced cheesed and bread…

Matt: Chutney!

Jared: Fondue followed by tofu steak marinated with pineapple (looks at Matt smiling) chutney.

Matt: YES! (laughs all around)

Jared: (breaks into British accent) With green and red orange bell peppers, summer squash and friendly fruits and vegetables.

Matt: Ah yes.

Tomo: The god's greens! That's wonderful.

Matt: What was the second one?

Eric: Favorite movie.

Tomo: My new favorite movie is At Close Range.

Jared: (shouting) THX 1138

Matt: Yes, that's a good one.

Eric: At Close Range?

Jared: (shouting) AT CLOSE RANGE!

Tomo: Yes, At Close Range is my new favorite movie.

Eric: Favorite 80s song?

Jared: I'd have to say "Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood.

Matt: Yes.

Jared: Ooh. Pinch my nipple! Just relax. (laughs all around)

Matt: Mine would be "99 Red Balloons" by Nina. I love that song.

Eric: That's a great song.

Matt: I could never get sick of it.

Jared: Katchagoogoo?

Tomo: I was only 2 years old in the 80s so I don't have one.

Jared: You fool. Come on. Just say "Into the Beast" by Iron Maiden.

Tomo: Yeah why not? I like that one.

(At this point Jared lets out his best Bruce Dickinson yell. Jared, Matt, and Tomo all proceed to sing the chorus from "Run to the Hills.")

Eric: You guys should cover that tonight.

Jared: Yeah, we tried.

Matt: We did. (laughs all around) We did.

Eric: Now obviously you guys have traveled to a lot of places, but if you could go anywhere, whether it's through touring or just on your own…

Matt: Pittsburg, PA.

Tomo: Japan!

Jared: Antarctica!

Eric: Ok.

Matt: (To Jared) Yeah, you've been talking about that for a while now.

Jared: Yeah.

Tomo: I want Jared to be like this more of the time.

Matt: Yeah. You need to drink more (caffeine).

Jared: (In an accent) My brain is working faster, Faster, I CAN FEEL IT! (big laughs all around) ... (mumbles)… (in his accent still) Tell me is this the truth you're telling me or something…

Matt: You're catching him in a very, very rare state.

Eric: I think he should drink the rest of it.

Tomo: (laughing hysterically) Yeah, me too!

Erin: So, what's the best part about being in 30 Seconds to Mars?

Matt: Everything.

Jared: (still in accent) There is no best.

Matt: I don't think you can really point to one thing and say it's the best. This is kind of clichй, but there really isn't a best. I think that just the experience or that the four of us get to share this dream. We all share this common vision of what we want and we've created it.

Tomo: And we get to do it.

Matt: Yeah, we get to live it out.

Tomo: The best part is that we get to do it. That's the best part.

Matt: Same for me. The fact that I get to share a bunk with Tomo. (To a woman who interrupts that will be aforementioned as Rude Woman) Hi. How are you?

Rude Woman: Do you guys know I have a photo shoot after?

Matt: No we didn't know that.

Rude Woman: It's the cover a magazine. I'll tell you about it.

Matt: Really?

Rude Woman: Yeah.

Matt: Well done! I loved your photos earlier by the way.

Rude Woman: What?

Jared: (In accent still) So happy to (mumbles)

Rude Woman: Did you guys actually look at the pictures?

Matt: Yeah.

Jared: (In accent) We're just doing an interview right now sweet heart. (With a perturbed look on his face) Good to see you. (laughs all around)

Erin: Alright. So, where do you guys see yourself in 10 years?

Tomo: Doing exactly what we're doing right now.

Matt: I was gonna say an old folks home.

Tomo: Sitting here talking to you about this interview we had 10 years prior and laughing about how I was right. Think about that for a second. Just imagine! Just imagine for a moment if it was the same group 10 years from now. Yes.

Eric: Ok, let's do it then.

Tomo: Ok.

Matt: Is that it?

Eric: This is the last one. If you could say, and each of you can answer this individually, one thing to the entire world that everyone would hear, what would you say to them?

Matt: Please be quiet.

Tomo: Go to sleep. (laughing)

Jared: (long pause) August 30! (big laughs all around) (Editors Note: August 30, 2005 is the release date of A Beautiful Lie)

Tomo: I knew you were gonna say it! (more laughs)

Matt: The sinker.

Jared: A Beautiful Lie. (Breaks into another accent) I will stand upon Mount Cyanide and deliver up to me…

Matt: (in accent) Shout it out loud!

Jared: In great tombs of endearment with metaphors aside and truth in all my eyes. Here them August 30. Come. Be a new message. Prepare (HUGE laughs all around) so that thy credit card may not expire. Remember, on I-tunes immediately.

Matt: Your computer. Don't forget.

Eric: Any last comments?

Tomo: Check out the website www.30secondstomars.com. The album comes out August 30. In stores everywhere. Nationwide. Don't forget to buy it.

Matt: (In accent) Shout it out loud!

Tomo: If you download it I will come after you with a knife!

Eric: We got the album in the mail this morning and it's amazing.

Matt: (in accent) Well done!

Jared: Thank you guys!

Eric: Thank you.

Erin: Thanks.

We would like to thank Jared, Tomo, and Matt for taking the time out of their day to chat with us. The interview was a blast and will certainly go down in history as the most interesting and amusing interview we have conducted to date. Just a side note: we have heard many rumors that Jared can be an "ass" or a "jerk" and both of us can attest to the fact that nothing could be further from the truth. He was nice, very funny, and most of all fun. And let us not forget how great Matt and Tomo were also! Big thanks to Julie over at Virgin Records and Mark for hooking everything up. For more information on 30 Seconds to Mars check out www.30secondstomars.com

простите ,если сдела что-то не то.
04.01.2006 в 17:03

You fucking disappoint me!
Fuck,Клер Кипли ну ты человек!!!Вот спасибо!!!

Перевод-супер!!!Адриналина в крови сейчас столько....

как-будто сама там только что побывала!Эх мечты,мечты...

«Battle Of One» началась с красных и белых лучей, подчеркивающих импульсивность песни.

:super: :super: :super: Обожаю эту песню!!!

К группе на сцене присоединились Street Drum Corps: девушки соблазнительно извивались вокруг Джареда

Это кто это около ДЖА извивался?! :fire: Покажите мне этих нахалок!

Джаред носился среди них, выжимая все соки из гитары, а Томо кружился по сцене, играя на инструменте, а потом остановился, чтобы потрясти головой. Джаред присоединился к нему для короткого слэма, а толпа продолжала хлопать в такт ритму, когда Шэннон исполнял грохочущее соло на барабанах.

Я хочу это слышать в живую!!!Я хочу это слышать в живую!!!Я хочу это слышать в живую!!! :nerve: и видить тоже хочу!

Он звал их пением: “whoa...whoa...whoa", и они отвечали ему, разрывая воздух кулаками.

Пусть к нам быстрее приезжают,мы и не такле покажим!

Грифф Народ, пошли забивать места у Олимпийского.

Если что я в очереди после тебя! ;-) Все слышали я после Грифф!!!

04.01.2006 в 18:46

человек и ОМГ (ц)

Да нет, все нормально. Спасибо, почетайу. ))

