Save me Barry!
As musical journeys go, the one taken by 30 Seconds to Mars has been one long, strange trip. Since breaking through to new heights with the rock hit "The Kill," and then making history by shooting a music video in China, the band has been comparatively quiet for the past year, in part because it was tied up in business disputes with its record label. But despite the drama, 30STM singer and co-founder Jared Leto tells Buzznet that the band is ready to blast off once again.
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Listen to Part 1 of the interview, in which Leto discussed the recording process, working with famed producer Flood, and last week's fan summit, right here:

And he'll tell you his idea of the ultimate slow-dance song in Part 2 of our interview. We'll be waiting...


@темы: Джаред Лето, Аудио, Интервью

06.05.2009 в 20:06

say it in daylight
^^ опять вишенки кушает...?
спасибо за интервьшку ;)